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 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/5/10 19:30:00    加入收藏
 标签:会议预告(专题)  关键字:CIT2010 

时间:2010年4月1日 8:30——9:30
出席嘉宾:高润霖教授、Gregg W. Stone教授、Jean Marco教授、Shigeru Saito教授、
8:00 AM  专家、媒体签到
8:30 AM  徐波秘书长宣布CIT2010新闻发布会正式开始,并介绍与会嘉宾
8:35 AM  大会主席高润霖教授介绍CIT历史及CIT2010学术亮点
8:40 AM Gregg W. Stone教授介绍TCT/CRF及TCT@CIT的学术亮点,并就TCT与CIT未来的合作进行展望
8:45 AM Jean Marco教授介绍EuroPCR及EuroPCR@CIT的学术亮点,并就EuroPCR与CIT未来的合作进行展望
8:50 AM Shigeru Saito教授介绍TRI俱乐部专场及CCT@CIT的学术亮点,并从所担任的多重身份角度谈对中国介入技术及CIT的发展进行评价
8:55 AM 媒体提问       
9:30 AM 新闻发布会结束

China Interventional Therapeutics (CIT) 2010
Press Conference
Time: 8:30 am-9:30 am, April 1, 2010
Location: Room 402AB, China National Convention Center
Guest Speakers: Run-Lin Gao, MD, Gregg W. Stone, MD, Jean Marco, MD, Shigeru Saito, MD, Madam Xiaoming Han, Mr. Bo Xu
Moderator: Bo Xu, Secretary General of CIT
Interpreter: Dr. Yi Li
8:00 AM  Sign in
8:30 AM  Opening and Introductions
   Bo Xu
8:35 AM  Introductions of CIT History and Highlights of CIT 2010
   Run-Lin Gao
8:40 AM Introductions of TCT/CRF and Highlights of TCT at CIT, and Future Perspectives of the Collaboration with CIT
 Gregg W. Stone
8:45 AM Introductions of EuroPCR and Highlights of EuroPCR at CIT, and Future Perspectives of the Collaboration with CIT
 Jean Marco
8:50 AM Introductions of TRI Club and CCT at CIT, and Future Perspectives of the Collaboration with CIT
 Shigeru Saito
8:55 AM Q&A
9:30 AM Adjourn


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