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[CIT2015]成功的PCI依赖于适宜的影像技术--美国心血管研究基金会(CRF)首席医疗官Gary S. Mintz教授专访
作者:G.S.Mintz 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2015/3/20 22:00:12    加入收藏
 标签:  关键字:IVUS OCT FFR PCI 影像 

  International Circulation:Imaging is the key point to successful PCI, such as IVUS, VH-IVUS, OCT and NIRS, controversy remain in which is better to guide PCI. According to your experiences, which is the right technology in different clinical conditions?


  Dr. Mintz: It is not a simple question to answer. The first thing to realize is that even though you listed 4 technologies there are 2 fundamental technologies, IVUS based or OCT based. So VH-IVUS is really IVUS with radiofrequency tissue characterization and near infrared spectroscopy, NIRS is combined with IVUS so we are really talking about IVUS versus OCT. When you are guiding stent implantation, the goal is to get the best possible stent result so it may not be really whether IVUS is better or OCT is better but the fact that either of them is better than angiography alone. That said, if you look at the available data there are probably 25 studies comparing IVUS with angiography alone, and only 1 study comparing OCT with angiography alone. The combined IVUS studies probably include more than 30,000 patients and the Meta analyses, of which there are 4, indicate that IVUS guidance improves outcomes compared to angiography alone. As far as OCT, the one small study in only several hundred patients shows the same thing. Right now there are no IVUS versus OCT comparative studies but I suspect that they are roughly equivalent in that kind of study. So the issue is not IVUS versus OCT, the issue is that you should probably use one of those two techniques rather than just angiography alone.


  International Circulation:There could be bias in imaging assessment, or some rare clinical phenomenon such as spontaneous dissection and calcified nodule. Could you please introduce some successful experiences to make it more accurate?


  Dr. Mintz: Well actually it is interesting. Those are 2 of the easiest things to diagnose using either IVUS or OCT. The imagining characteristics are absolutely clear and once you see 2 or 3, you know exactly what to look for. The best answer is that it takes experience. It is not hard, there are no tricks, and it is just a matter of having enough experience to recognize these 2 phenomenons, which are not that common. If you only see something once in a while obviously it can be a big surprise, but after you see several of them, then the diagnosis is usually very clear.



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